Need a writing intensive class? Or maybe something on Tuesdays and Thursdays?
Use our simple but powerful search tool to find exactly what you need. Search by Course title,
instructor, focus, day and time and more!
Late breaking info
We think the best decision is an informed one. That's why we've made it so teachers and student can
leave news that's important to you. Browse the descriptions and sign up for the class that best suits
Easy to use mobile design
We know you're busy and always on the go. That's why we built this site with a
mobile first attitude. Access it from your laptop or your smartphone. It's all good!
Up-To-Date Information
There are few things in the world more frustrating than when you can't get a seat in
a class you need. So we've gone through great pains to keep the information on this site as up-to-date as
possible (especially the number of available seats).
Map your route between classes
Don't know where your class is? Curious how far it is between classes? Click on the
Maps link to see a map of your schedule.
Students love us!
We think we've got something great here but you don't have to take our word for it.
Here's what some other users have got to say.